Amalia Vitale


Amalia is currently starring as Beatrice in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (Shakespeares Globe) and on our screens as series regulars in both BIG MOOD (Channel 4) opposite Lydia West & Nicola Coughlan + BEYOND PARADISE (BBC).


Amalia’s Spotlight   Amalia’s IMDb


  • Height: 5' 1 (155cm)
  • Playing Age: 25 - 35
  • Eye Colour: Brown
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Hair Length: Mid Length
  • Unions: Equity
  • Appearance: White




FARMAGEDDON, Lula - Aardman (Director: Will Becher & Richard Phelan)

REALLY MODERN TIMES, Lady Chaplin - Channel 4 (Director: Violet Adams)

THE INFERNO SHOW, Anne Boleyn & Joan of Arc - European Dramam Network (Director: Simon Woods)

CONSUMED, Doris - Unusuality Productions (Director: Tariq Nasir)

THE CANTEEN, Pilar - Westminster University (Director: Benjamin Smith)


BIG MOOD, Anya (Series Regular) - Channel 4 (Director: Rebecca Asher)

BEYOND PARADISE, Hannah O'Brien (Series Regular) - BBC (Director: Various)

WILLOW, Ganush - Disney+ (Director: Philippa Lowthorpe)

TRYING, Annie - BBC (Director: Jim O'Hanlon)

DRAGON RESCUE RIDERS, Mutiple Characters - Dreamworks (Director: Various)

ENDEAVOR, Suzy - ITV (Director: Bryn Higgins)

CASUALTY, Zila - BBC (Director: Nigel Douglas)

MIDSOMER MURDERS, Ida - ITV (Director: Nicolas Laughland)


MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, Beatrice - Shakespears Globe (Director: Sean Holmes)

PANDEMONIUM, Lead Cast - Soho Theatre (Director: Patrick Marber)

THE STRANGE TALE OF CHARLIE CHAPLIN AND STAN LAUREL, Charlie Chaplin - Told By An Idiot (Director: Paul Hunter)

TRAP STREET, Young Andrea - Schaubuhne, Berlin (Director: James Yeatman)

WAR OF THE WORLDS, Multiple roles - Rhum and Clay (Director: Hamish McDougal)

BON AMI, Ami - All In (Director: Stephen Sobal)

BEGINNERS, Sandy- Unicorn Theatre (Director: Tim Crouch)

THE LION , THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, Bog, Miss Chutney, Badger - West Yorkshire Playhouse and Elliott Harper (Direcor: Sally Cookson)

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, Latrice - NIE (Director: Alex Byrne)

PRIMETIME, Multi Rolling - Royal Court (Director: Roy Alexander Weise)

JERAMEE, HARTLEBY AND OOGLEMORE, Jeramee - The Unicorn Theatre (Director: Tim Crouch)

THE LIGHT PRINCESS, Lauren - Tobacco Factory Theatre with Peepolykus (Director: John Nicholson)

CIVILISED, God - All in (Director: Stephen Sobal)

HUNTING OF THE SNARK, Butcher - Jub Jub Productions (Director: Gemma Colclough)

LOVE SICK, Orlando - All in (Director: Stephen Sobal and Amalia Vitale)

ASYLUM, Saint Catherine of Sienna - Theatre 503 (Director: Gabe Manthorpe)

DANGEROUS MNEUMONICS, Grandma - The Arcola (Director: Jessica Radcliffe)

IN A BOX, Ella - Off Cut Festival 2012 (Director: Jonathan Carr)

HYSTERIA, Anna u/s to Jessica - Theatre Royal Bath (Director: Terry Johnson)

IF A TEN TON TRUCK, Jude - Theatre503 (Director: Gemma Colclough)

CLUEDOUGH, Mrs White - All in (Director: Stephen Sobal)

THE BRUMMIE PATROCLEIA, Chorus and Hera - The Arcola (Director: Rod Smith)

THE TOY THEATRE, Alien and Spy - Birmingham REP (Director: Josh Dalledone)

SEPARATE TABLES, Doreen - Birmingham School of Acting (Director: John Adams)

MEDEA, Chorus - The Live Art Laboratory (Director: Annouchka Bayley)

PIANO/FORTE, Louise - Birmingham School of Acting (Director: John Adams)

NANA, Sabine, Rose Mignon - Birmingham School of Acting (Director: Malachi Bogdanov)

DR FAUSTUS, Bad Angel,Cornelius - Birmingham School Of Acting (Director: Daniele Sanderson)

INNOCENCE, Maria - Birmingham School Of Acting (Director: David Vann)

THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, Cecily - Primavera (Director: Thomas Littler)



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